Apple Pie Chia Pudding Pots (Vegan Gluten-Free)

These Apple Pie Chia Pudding Pots are creamy, delicious and fruity, packed with good-for-you plant-based ingredients and taste like dessert. They are ready in just 5 minutes and are high in fibre and healthy fats.

I love chia pudding for breakfast and love playing around with different flavour combinations. While all things cinnamon and apple are typically Autumn or Winter flavours, this combination is a classic for a reason and you will love these pots all year round. They are cinnamon-spiced, naturally sweetened with dates, contain high fibre and healthy fat ingredients and taste like apple pie in every mouthful.

Apple Pie Chia Pudding Pots
Apple Pie Chia Pudding Pots

Why will I love these?

These breakfast pots are amazing:

  • Creamy, smooth and luscious
  • Taste like apple pie in every bite
  • Lightly spiced with cinnamon, ginger and cardamom
  • Loaded with apple and dates for fibre
  • High in healthy fats from chia seeds and coconut yoghurt
  • Naturally plant-based, dairy-free and egg-free
  • Naturally gluten-free and easily nut-free
  • Quick and easy to make in 5 minutes
  • Requires no baking or warming up
  • Great for on-the-go breakfasts
  • Ideal to meal prep
  • Also great to feed to friends and family

If you already love the sound of these breakfasts then skip ahead to the recipe card, or first let’s discuss the recipe in more detail.

What ingredients do I need?

You can see the full recipe list with weights in the recipe card below and see my favourites in the “shop the recipe” section.

For the chia pudding mix:

  • Chia seeds: these are essential for a good chia pudding and absorb 3 times their volume in liquid.
  • Spices: this mix uses cinnamon, ginger and cardamom for a delicious dessert-style flavour.
  • Thick coconut yoghurt: I use the Cocos vanilla or natural yoghurt to make these super creamy as they are Greek-style yoghurt in texture.
  • Runny smooth almond butter: the runnier and smoother the better for mixing into these pots. You can also try cashew butter or use sunflower seed butter or tahini to make these nut-free.
  • Plant-based milk: any dairy-free milk is great like oat, almond, soya or coconut (from the carton).
  • Medjool dates: de-stone the dates and chop them up small to stir in. You could try raisins or other dried fruits instead.
  • Apple: grate the apple to add into the chia seed mix. No need to peel them as the skin has all the goodness and adds a lovely texture.

As for serving, I like to add more almond butter, thick coconut yoghurt, apple slices and some extra chia seeds. You can also drizzle some maple syrup over, too.

Are these gluten-free and nut-free?

These are naturally gluten-free and to keep them nut-free, swap the almond butter for sunflower seed butter or tahini.

How do I make them?

These are easy to make in a few steps:

  • Stir together all of the base ingredients: and leave in the fridge overnight.
  • Serve in jars with almond butter, more yoghurt and apple slices: and enjoy.

How long will they last?

These will keep for 2-3 days in the fridge, covered well.

What else can I try?

For more breakfast ideas:

A jar of Apple Pie Chia Pudding with a spoon

Apple Pie Chia Pudding Pots (Vegan Gluten-Free)

Yield: 2-3
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

These Apple Pie Chia Pudding Pots are creamy, delicious and fruity, packed with good-for-you plant-based ingredients and taste like dessert. They are ready in just 5 minutes and are high in fibre and healthy fats.


For the Chia Puddings:

  • 40g chia seeds (4 tbsp, or ¼ cup)
  • Spices: 1 tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp ground ginger, ¼ tsp cardamom
  • 120g thick coconut yoghurt
  • 2 tbsp runny, smooth almond butter
  • 360ml plant-based milk
  • 3 medjool dates, pitted and chopped
  • 1 apple, grated

To Serve:

  • 1 apple, sliced and/or cubed
  • 2-3 tbsp almond butter
  • 4-6 tbsp thick coconut yoghurt
  • Maple syrup
  • Chia seeds


  1. Prepare the chia seeds the night before: in a large bowl, stir together the chia seeds, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. Now stir in the yoghurt and almond butter before gradually stirring through the milk. Add in the dates and grated apple and stir again. Leave for 5 minutes, stir once more and then cover and seal well.
  2. Chill in the fridge overnight.
  3. Before serving, give the chia pudding a good stir.
  4. Layer up the chia puddings in jars with some sliced or cubed apple, almond butter, coconut yoghurt and finish with some extra chia seeds and maple syrup, if you like.
  5. Eat straight away, or keep sealed in the fridge for 3-4 days.

Shop the recipe

Stay in touch

I look forward to hearing what you think of these Apple Pie Chia Pudding Pots so please let me know in the comments below and leave a star review above. If you do make this cake, I’d love to see so please tag me, I’m @nourishing.amy on Instagram and use the hashtag #nourishingamy. I’m also on TwitterFacebook and Pinterest  – please say hello!

With chia pot love x

p.s. this recipe was first made with Natures Heart chia seeds, which I love, but this blog post is not sponsored.

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